2023-2024 Concord Public Library Foundation (CPLF) renews efforts to support the renovation and expansion of Concord Public Library (CPL).
2015 The Concord Public Library Foundation develops a user-friendly website to inform and provide useful information about the events and efforts regarding CPLF and CPL.
2007 Following the Needs Assessment Report, the Foundation takes a lead role in bringing a new 21st Century library to Concord.
2004 The Friends of the Library merges with the Foundation, and in an evolving arrangement this organization continues to support the Concord Public Library through fundraising, volunteer support and advocacy.
2000 The new Foundation begins fundraising to renovate the CPL Children's Room.
1999 The Concord Public Library Foundation is separated from the Library Board of Trustees and from then on they function as two separate groups.
1962 The CPL Trustees first organize a Concord Public Library Foundation as a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation for "the purpose of receiving, accepting, managing and supervising charitable bequests either testamentary or inter vivos specifically dedicated to and restricted to the object of advancement of library services and facilities in the City of Concord, NH and the community served by the library facilities maintained for the benefit of the public at said Concord."
1960 A Friends group for the Concord Public Library is established by the joining together of two different groups of citizens, one that was concerned about providing additional support for the library beyond the city budget and a second group that was interested in establishing a music program within the library structure.
1857 The Concord Public Library officially opens for business.
1849 The NH Legislature passes a general law that authorized cities and towns to establish and maintain their own public libraries.
1855 An ordinance for the establishment of a public library is passed by the Concord City Council and the first trustees (7) are elected.